
B-Piece Site Reviews

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Transaction documentation is beginning to standardize the number of loans processed and new industry standards are being scrutinized. Investors and lenders have restructured their balance sheets.  A file review simply is not enough — There is nothing like walking the dirt and assessing the physical status of the underlying collateral. This is critical to proper acquisition, due diligence and continued monitoring of collateral condition. Transaction documentation is beginning to standardize the number of loans processed and new industry standards are being scrutinized. Investors and lenders have restructured their balance sheets.

Careful property inspections by experienced inspectors are an essential tool in the underwriting and management of CMBS. On-site reviews of the properties can identify issues before a loan is secured and provides a continuing means of ensuring a quality collateral portfolio.

Understanding that each customer has requirements, and informational needs, NBI has the expertise and technology needed to not only meet but also exceed the demands of its clients. We do this by cultivating a strong understanding of our clients businesses, objectives and challenges. We then work with them to provide solutions. We strive continuously to match our expertise to that of our clients’ ever evolving needs. All NBI Inspectors are vigorously trained and tested through CIA (The Commercial Inspectors Association), with individual competency reviews based on ASTM standards.

National Building Inspections