
Lenders Annual Servicing Inspections

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Lenders Annual Servicing Inspection of collateral is required for most commercial loans. NBI regularly uses client specific forms, or we can create a form that will address your specific needs.

Our annual servicing inspections cove all types of properties – including apartment buildings, office buildings, shopping centers, hotel/motels, high rise urban buildings, nursing homes, mobile home parks, recreational parks and buildings, restaurants/bars and more.

Scope of an annual inspection:

  • Property interior and exterior
  • Deferred maintenance issues
  • Potential life safety issues
  • Prosperity of the tenants
  • Overview of the surrounding area
  • Rent rolls where applicable
  • Vacancy rate
  • Competition in the area
  • Major tenants entered or left the market
  • Confirmation of Repair
  • Code violations
  • And Much more

National Building Inspections