
Environmental Services

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Phase I

Scope of Work for a Phase I ESA is in accordance with the ASTM standards, designation E1527 and includes the following:

  • Site reconnaissance of the property (including the interior and exterior of any buildings present on the property) to attempt to identify the potential for recognized environmental conditions including, but not limited to:
  • Current and past uses of hazardous substances and surrounding properties;
  • Current and past uses of hazardous substances and petroleum products;
  • Above ground and underground storage tanks;
  • Unusual odors;
  • Pools of liquid;
  • Evidence of current and/or past presence of drums or other chemical containers;
  • Evidence of current and/or past presence of PCB containing equipment;
  • The current and/or historical means to heat the building(s);
  • Evidence of stained soils, floor, chemical spills, sheens on surface water, or stressed vegetation;
  • Unusual staining or odors in interior and/or exterior floor drains;
  • Evidence of current and/or historical presence of pits, ponds or lagoons in connection with waste water treatment;
  • Evidence of current and/or past improper solid waste disposal activities on the property;
  • Evidence of current and/or historical wells including dry wells, irrigation wells, injection wells, oil and gas wells; and
  • Evidence of current and/or past on-site sewage disposal systems.

Phase II

The Phase II Subsurface Investigation scope of work proposed is based upon recognized environmental concerns discovered during a Phase I ESA performed by Performance. At a minimum, the following tasks will be performed:

  1. Advance up to 6 on-site soil borings to an approximate depth of 6 to 12 feet below ground surface (bgs) utilizing a GeoProbe, at various locations within the site. If groundwater is encountered, borings will be converted into temporary wells for groundwater sampling. Soil samples will be visually classified by an on-site geologist and screened for the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using a Photoionization detector (PID).
  2. Up to eight soil or groundwater (if encountered) samples will be submitted for laboratory analyses. Soil samples to be analyzed for VOCs will be preserved in the field with methanol. Soil and/or groundwater samples will be analyzed for the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), polynuclear aromatics (PNAs), and total metals.
  3. A Phase II ESA summary report will be prepared. The report will include, but is not limited to, all data collected throughout investigative activities, analytical data, and our conclusions and recommendations.

National Building Inspections