The Importance of getting your Well inspected
Why are Well Inspections an important part of the home buying process? For one reason: this is your homes drinking water, you as a home owner want to make sure that the water is safe to drink and appealing to use. Secondly, some older wells are more common to contamination, these wells can either be irresponsibly constructed, more shallow, or placed too close to a septic system.
There are many substances that can affect the quality of your well water. Some can be found naturally, and the others are from human actions.
Infectious Microorganisms
 Naturally found in human and animal wastes
 Bacteria
 Viruses
 These can enter your well water from defective septic systems or nearby animal feedlots.
 Can cause the following symptoms
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Diarrhea
 Stomach Cramps
 Usually come from the natural breakdown of human and animal wastes.
 Also found in chemical fertilizers.
 Can enter your water from defective septic systems, nearby farms, home fertilizers, and landfills.
 Can interfere with the blood’s ability to transfer oxygen through the body causing a type of anemia called methemoglobinemia.
 A blood disorder in which an abnormal amount of methemoglobin (a form of hemoglobin) is produced, and is unable to release oxygen effectively to body tissues.
 Previous used to make household plumbing materials.
 Can still find lead pipes and solder in older homes.
 Also found is brass faucets and in some well pumps.
 Can enter your water from plumbing as water travels from the well to your tap.
 Easily absorbed and stored by the body causing learning, behavioral, and developmental problems in infants and young children.
Local health departments can require well testing for a new well or during a real estate transfer, this is to safeguard you from superfluous and unknowing exposure to contaminated water. Regular testing after the initial has added benefit of recording the water quality over time. This can also offer possible buyers with valuable information if you ever want to sell your home. NBI has performed well over 1,000 well and septic inspections over the last decade. Many municipalities have their own certifications; however, our own strict guidelines of performing septic and well inspections far exceed most local requirements.
NBI is certified to test your home’s well and septic systems throughout the entire state of Michigan, in all counties. With your well test you also get a complete water test for bacteria. Your septic system will be tested to ensure that it is operating proficiently for the size of your home. NBI inspectors are certified in most Michigan counties that require certification. Call NBI today to get your well inspected.